Contact us

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North American 

Head Office
tel: (800) 668-2668
fax: (866) 380-4280
email: [email protected]

Fiber Optic Solutions for Canada

Fred Jackson
Account Manager
tel: (613) 368-4605
tel: (800) 668-2668
fax: (613) 249-7098
email: [email protected]

Fiber Optic Technical Support Solutions

Jason Desjardin Lane
Technical Support
tel: (613) 368-4318
tel: (800) 668-2668
fax: (613) 249-7098
email: [email protected]

Sales Support

Albert Villeneuve
Consumable and Inside Sales Support
tel: (613) 368-4615
tel: (800) 668-2668
fax: (613) 249-7098
email: [email protected]


Sandy Bulger

tel: (613) 368-4613
fax: (613) 249-7098
email: [email protected]